How to Perform an Online Antivirus Scan on Your Android Mobile

Kirtan Dave
4 min readJun 18, 2024


In the digital age, our smartphones hold a treasure trove of personal information, making them a prime target for cyber threats. Keeping your Android mobile secure is crucial, and one of the most effective ways to do this is by performing regular antivirus scans. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of performing an online antivirus scan on your Android device, ensuring your personal data remains protected.

Understanding the Need for Antivirus on Android

Before diving into the how-to, it’s essential to understand why antivirus software is necessary for Android devices. Android’s open-source nature, while allowing for greater customization, also makes it more susceptible to malware and other security threats. These threats can lead to data breaches, financial loss, and compromised personal information. Regular antivirus scans can help detect and remove these threats, keeping your device secure.

Choosing the Right Antivirus App

The first step in performing an online antivirus scan on your Android mobile is selecting a reliable antivirus app. Here are some popular options to consider:

  1. Quick Heal Mobile Security: Known for its robust protection, Quick Heal offers comprehensive security features, including malware detection, privacy protection, and anti-theft measures.
  2. Avast Mobile Security: A popular choice, Avast provides real-time protection against malware, phishing attacks, and other threats. It also includes features like a Wi-Fi security scanner and a VPN.
  3. Bitdefender Mobile Security: Bitdefender offers excellent malware detection rates and includes features such as web protection, anti-theft, and account privacy checks.
  4. Norton Mobile Security: Norton provides powerful malware protection and features like call blocking, Wi-Fi security, and a secure VPN.

Steps to Perform an Online Antivirus Scan

Once you’ve chosen an antivirus app, follow these steps to perform an online scan:

Step 1: Download and Install the Antivirus App

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.
  2. Search for the antivirus app of your choice (e.g., Quick Heal Mobile Security).
  3. Tap “Install” to download and install the app on your device.

Step 2: Set Up the Antivirus App

  1. Open the antivirus app once the installation is complete.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the app. This may include creating an account, granting necessary permissions, and configuring settings.
  3. Ensure that the app has the required permissions to access your device’s storage, apps, and other components for a thorough scan.

Step 3: Perform a Full System Scan

  1. Open the antivirus app and navigate to the scan section. This is usually labeled as “Scan,” “Full Scan,” or something similar.
  2. Tap the scan button to initiate the full system scan. The app will begin scanning your device for malware, viruses, and other security threats.
  3. Depending on the size of your device’s storage and the number of files, the scan may take a few minutes to complete. It’s important to allow the scan to finish without interruption.

Step 4: Review Scan Results and Take Action

  1. Once the scan is complete, the antivirus app will display the results. This may include a list of detected threats, if any, along with their severity.
  2. Review the scan results carefully. If any threats are detected, the app will provide options to remove or quarantine them. Follow the prompts to eliminate the threats from your device.
  3. Some antivirus apps also offer additional recommendations for improving your device’s security. Take advantage of these suggestions to enhance your overall protection.

Tips for Maintaining Ongoing Security

Performing regular antivirus scans is essential, but there are additional steps you can take to maintain the security of your Android device:

  1. Keep Your Software Updated: Ensure that your Android operating system and all apps are up to date. Software updates often include security patches that protect against known vulnerabilities.
  2. Be Cautious with App Downloads: Only download apps from reputable sources like the Google Play Store. Avoid sideloading apps from unknown or untrusted websites.
  3. Use Strong Passwords: Protect your device with a strong, unique password or PIN. Consider enabling biometric authentication, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, for added security.
  4. Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Whenever possible, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for your online accounts. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification.
  5. Regularly Backup Your Data: Regularly back up your important data to a secure cloud service or an external storage device. This ensures that you can recover your data in case of a security breach or device failure.


Performing an online antivirus scan on your Android mobile is a crucial step in safeguarding your personal information and maintaining the security of your device. By choosing a reliable antivirus app and following the steps outlined in this blog, you can protect your Android mobile from malware and other cyber threats. Remember to stay vigilant, keep your software updated, and follow best practices for ongoing security. Your proactive efforts will go a long way in ensuring a safe and secure mobile experience.



Kirtan Dave

Hi, I'm Kirtan, working with "Quick Heal", Pune which provide all types of Antivirus Software Products. Website: